Throw Political Correctness In the Garbage

We live in hard times, the times of moral decadence, the seasons of rebellion, the times of using emotions over rationality, the times of rejecting empirical grounds. Postmodernity, post-structuralism and post positivism have gone to far. Cultural Marxism is continually eradicating the foundation of our culture. Ever since the 1960s since the second wave feminism, LGBT movements, sexual revolution; things have gotten worse, even in third world countries such as South Africa, some  Latin American nations to Asian ones. From race, sex to gender there does not seem a sound way of thought. A critique is seen as sexist, racist, homophobic, trans-phobic, misogynistic, supremacist if towards those groups who've been marginalised or claim to be marginalised.

The problem that is faced by mankind today, is the cancer of political correctness.A man cannot give an opinion if it does not go in line with feminists ideology. A white can not have  a view on race, even to the extent of exploiting him. A heterosexual man can't oppose any homosexual or trans movements or the sexualisation and homosexualisation of our society. Any one who questions about this new .Transgender Mania is a homophobe. You can bash Christianity but you cannot bash Islam, to avoid being labelled an Islamophobe. Neither can you criticise Zionism to avoid being labelled anti-Semite. Political correctness has degraded our culture, it will kill to an extinction if it is not stopped.



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