From Positivism to Post-Positivism

 The Rejection of Positivism to Post-Positivism 


When the enlightenment took off in 18th century, empiricism kicked in as the dominant explanation that knowledge is attainable through sense experience, during the arousal of experimental science the theory that all knowledge is derived from sense-experience. Stimulated by the rise of experimental science, it discredited innate and priori knowledge, beliefs as well as information through mentalism (Carruthers, P., n.d. p. 65).  Now, that’s how positivistic philosophy or ideology came in. in the 19th to the 20th century, the dominant philosophy in the West, was that: “any system that confines itself to the data of experience and excludes a priori or metaphysical speculations. More narrowly, the term designates the thought of the French philosopher Auguste Comte  1798–1857 “(Feigl, H., 2016).

This philosophic ideology movement, adopted critiques’ from Comte, who’s the father of sociology  and the enriched by philosophies of  empiriocriticism,  logical positivism and logical empiricism and emerged as analytic philosophy in the mid 2oth century (Feigl,H.,2016). In other words, positivism rejected anything beyond real world or tangible world if it cannot be observed through five senses of smell, taste, sight, touch and hearing (Anon, n.d).  


Now Post-positivism came as total rejection of the empiricist ideas and philosophic-ideological approach of positivism, it shuts down the view of empiricism to apply natural science to social science (Ryan, A.B., n.d.p.16-17). Ryan, A.B (n.d.p.16) states that, the rejection of the positivism philosophic approach to  research  came from different social and societal critiques such as feminism,, post-structuralism, critical psychology, anthropology, ethnography and qualitative research, these critiques of positivism have emphasis for social change and the critical study of Eastern and indigenous societies, as this knowledge approach had been outweighed by the empiricists scientific approach of Western Tradition has been reborn. “Post-positivist research principles emphasise meaning and the creation of new knowledge, and are able to support committed social movements, that is, movements that aspire to change the world and contribute towards social justice” (Ryan,A.B.,n.d.p.13) 

Positivist Approach

Positivism Empiricist View

The positivism view was that, research should be based on a natural scientific model; that is on facts, figures, statistics, objectivism, validation, science and logic-so that’s why even today people still have that empiricist positivism mind-set, even students and lectures on academia (Ryan, A.B., n.d.p.13).This is since, the positivists had the philosophy that using scientific methods to investigate social realm brings objectivism, liberating the research from the values, passion and ideologies of the researcher-this mind-set approach known as positivist-empiricist, has been so dominant in the public realm  (Ryan,A.B.,n.d.p.13).  Ryan, A.B (n.d.p.13) on quote “positivist researchers believe that they can reach a full understanding based on experiment and observation. Concepts and knowledge are held to be the product of straightforward experience, interpreted through rational deduction”.

This view of empiricism holds that all knowledge has to be attained by introspection and self-experiment (Carruthers, P., and n.d.p.64). It did was rejection of Nativism, to the belief in innate concepts or knowledge are credible in acquiring substantial information (Carruthers, P., n.d.p. 67).  According to Ryan, A.B (n.d.p.13) a society can predict social trends and control societal patterns, if scientific models could be used, since social research that is credible is the one that will go by scientific model in providing clear and unambiguous path to the societal patterns pertaining social and psychological phenomena. This is due to the preposition that there were interlinks betwixt social phenome and its causation. Ryan, A.B (n.d.p.14) argues that: “the idea that the only way to do social research is to follow a scientific model can lead to the dismissal of research as a valuable tool in understanding the rich complexity of social life. This scientific approach which positivism espouses is rightly thought to be inadequate when it comes to learning about how people live, how they view the world, how they cope with it, how they change it, and so on”.

Failure of Positivism

What has now  been  realised is that the metaphysics which had been discredited positivism philosophy, does exists and its’s the one which links ontology with  epistemology, that’s explaining the field of investigation correlated method of knowing; therefore, a perception nor perspective of the world is formed either it be Judeo-Christian theism, secular naturalism and paganism (Russell, R,.1995). His argument is that:no field of scholarship — not even mathematics — is metaphysical or religiously neutral. It is not about the criticism of metaphysics or religious theoreticism in the disciplines either it be Darwinism or Freud or Durkheim but   the constitutive presuppositions of the theories themselves” (Russell, R., 1995).

Modernism’s Dominance of Natural Science

Modernism view came as an outcome of the four intellectual rational thought in Europe; the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, this new philosophy in post enlightenment concluded that to know realm world only certainty and empirical knowledge are valid and rationalism being valued more than other epistemologies such as intuition (Ryan, A.B.,n.d.p.14).  So then, positivism movement was to invalidate other ways of accruing knowledge by the reduction of everything to abstract and has tendency of imploding human experience instead of treating it as a complex whole (Ryan, A.B.,n.d.p.14).         “Modernity led to a split between science and literature as different ways of understanding Human experience”, […], which became known as positivism or positivist-empiricism, it places trust in quantification with the view that correct techniques gives correct outcome or answers (Rayn,A.B.,n.d.p.14).   

The Shift Away From Positivism

According to Ryan, A.B (n.d.p.16) “Opposition to positivist epistemologies has come from feminism, post structuralism, critical Psychology, anthropology, ethnography and developments in qualitative research”.  What has been notified is that there is no neutralism in knowledge, the shift from dualistic way of critical taught; either black or white perception and the emphasise on ethical aspect of research.  There is not neutrality since positivism’s epistemologies dualism of objectivism and subjectivism, scientism or emotionalism are social constructs. The critique on positivism is that it is improbable to separate ontology and each man’s experience form knowledge (Ryan, A.B., n.d.p.16).   

Reference Lists

Anon.n.d Positivism. Basic Philosophy. [e-Blo0g]. Online Available at :<\> [Accessed 18 February 2017].

Caruthers and Macdonald, C.n.d.  What is Empiricism?  University of East Anglia. (Pdf) Online Available at :<>

Feigl, H.2016.Positivism. Encyclopedia Britannica. [E-Blog]. Available at:<[Accessed 20 February 27, 2017].
Friedman, M. 1999. Reconsidering Logical Positivism. Indiana University. Cambridge University Press.

Russell, R.1999. The Failure of Positivism and Some Lessons for Science and the Humanities.Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, [e-Blog], Available at<:> [Accessed 18 February 2017].

Ryan, A.B.n.d. Post Positivist Appr0ach to Research. […] (pdf) Online Available at :<>

Siya Manci

27 February 2017


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