Feminism Has Killed Western Civilisation

By Siya Manci, 2016 August 07

 What is feminism? The main ideology is the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. But is that true? That is partial of the philosophy and ideology of feminism. This is not what radical feminists are on about. Their greediness, selfishness, pride, non-reasoning has destroyed the west’s 2000 year of civilisation and on its way to global south. 

It is true that both men and women should have equal rights but the bullshit is the feminists’ philosophy of redefining what is sex and gender. That has killed our society from within. The main reason the west has lost its values, traditions and customs is secularism, humanism and feminism. Since the global north is the central economic, social and political power in the world that has contributed to disaster in the global north and south, though it has not impacted much but it is on its way. But the focus here is on feminism especially radical feminism which has brought horrific outcomes. 

feminists argue about is that is the patriarchy which has been the oppression of women in society. Patriarchy is defined as the system of male dominance over females characterised by power, hierarchy anWhat d completion. Tong (1989) says it operates in terms of legal, political, social and cultural institutions. Then Humm (1995.p.194) adds that women’s oppression is the experience of sexism as a system of domination. 

Firstly, feminism is subdivided into Liberal, Marxists, Radical, Socialist and Third World Feminists etc. The main goals of was the gender equality in the public sphere on the basis of equal education, payment, ending job sex segregation and better working conditions and being paid promoted equally in traditionally male dominated areas. That is good but the other philosophies and ideologies which have arisen are just bullshit. You will hear some radical feminist say women oppressed on basis of religion, pornography, gender socialisation, language and biology. The socialists complain about monogamous heterosexual marriages, female childbearing and rearing, female domestic work, numerous institutions based on male dominance and biological reproduction.

Bad ideologies that has been brought by feminism is changing traditional customs and tradition gender roles, liberalisation sexually, familial, motherhood, religious liberalisation and so forth. Since women wanted to be liberated sexually, that has led pornography high up the sky, for no man points a woman with a gun and says “have sex with me to shoot a video”. Many women do that on their own accord. Now pornography has destroyed both the global north and south that sex is what sustains each and every culture and has to be performed in a loving relationship. Another problem which has arisen from that is for women to have abortions whether a man approves it or not; why is that, since he is the baby’s father? The liberalisation sexually in a culture makes it to lose its meaning as its customs, values, norms and traditions are lost. Most complain about women portrayed as sexual objects, well that is their choice. The day women were given right to do whatever they want with their body in a sexual way has brought that.

Women focusing more on career than family has brought nothing but disaster. Every child deserves to be with both parents- a mother and a father that preserves a culture to sustain and flourish. The main reason you find children running of the streets as street kids is because the value of what family is having been lost, give thanks to feminism for changing the traditions in western civilisation. That does not mean females are responsible for most of this; men are as well as they no longer take care their children. But they themselves no longer knows what family is. Patriarchy society is what preserves a culture, since women in the west have been given freedom sexually that has led to high rape, for women advertise themselves as sex objects to be sexualised by men. Also, abandoning traditional marriage led low fertility rate in Europe that is why the continent is easy to Islamise, for Muslims have high fertility rate than any religion (Lipka, M and Hackett, C.,2015). 

 Women should not have been given liberalisation sexually and familial for that has brought disaster. If the west had hold traditional values of family and sex, it would have the youth to take over economically, politically and socially;  give thanks to feminism for preventing that to happen.
The rise of feminism is one of bad philosophies which led to high divorce rates, single parenthood, low fertility rate (Chapin, B.,2014). He adds that: “Instead of finding love with a husband and a family, the modern woman feels that she will find love in labouring as a wage slave for some corporation; instead of listening to her heart, she listens to the rally cries of her oestrogen-filled comrades filling her mind with “you go girl-isms.”  That is why today marriages are the lowest organisation in all history. Which is what some irrational radical feminist are against with. Radical feminists have killed western civilisation and that has some impact in the third world countries as well. 

This movement of fighting heterosexual monogamous marriage, female child bearing and rearing as well as material base of patriarchy with the ideology that it rests on men’s control over women’s labour power is foolish to a certain degree. What feminists argue is that the control is constituted by restricting women economically and culturally on bases of sexuality, bearing children and rearing them. So what? Do men have a womb and a vagina to bear children? They are talking as if men had never taken care for children which they did; otherwise the entire society would not have preserved and sustained itself. Marriage, sex, bearing and rearing children are the four main pillars which have made the human race to survive for thousands of years. Radical feminism has to be stopped before western civilisation and the entire society shrinks.    

Another problem with feminism, is for a woman to be given a right to have abortion without consultation with a man. Even if the partners are married, there is no need for a husband’s consent, the wife can abort it anyway if she wills. In addition, the father does not have to be notified if the mother wants to in countries like USA (Thompson, R., n.d).  That is murder, no matter the foetus or embryo is still in womb or out. You are not different than Joseph Stalin himself if you do an abortion. This is one of reasons with the decline in fertility rate, leading to a few young generations that will take over in future. Abortion kills civilisation. Some feminists’ selfishness, greed, and pride are the tree main problems that they want to focus on career and themselves at the expense of their babies. That cannot be tolerated for having problems with being a mother but have no problems with being ruled by a boss is bad philosophy. That is what is problematic with radical feminists.  

Reference Lists
Chapin, B., 2014. Feminism Kills Civilizations. Male Defender. (Online) Available at: http://www.maledefender.com/feminism-kills-civilizations/ 
Humm, M. (1995). The Dictionary of Feminist Theory. Harvester Wheatsheaf/Ohio State University Press
Hackett, C.,2015. Why Muslims are the world’s fastest-growing religious group. Pew Research Centre. [Blog]. Available at:http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/04/23/why-muslims-are-the-worlds-fastest-growing-religious-group/
 Thomsopm, R. Fathers' Rights and Abortion. Find Law. [e-blog]. [Online] Available at:http://family.findlaw.com/paternity/fathers-rights-and-abortion.html


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